Sunday, 3 May 2009

Ostrich and I

Dear internet people,

In previous installments talked about concept contests, well I finshed another piece for the Artorder Blog:

I finished this in about one work day. Very fast, for me at least. I've spent a couple of days in the country (Limburg, a (the only) hilly region of the Netherlands), which gave me tonnes of inspiration and motivation.. Illustrators spend a lot of time inside, and it easy to forget the energy the outdoors can bring.

Its 2009 people, its high time that we get affordable tablet laptops with a 20 hour batteries. Its bad enough that we dont have laser guns or flying cars....

Thats it for today, I am off enjoying the last bits of my dayjob holiday...



all images in this blog are (c)2005-2009 Nick Egberts unless noted specifcally otherwise.

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